1. How long can you safely wear daily contacts? Contacts can be generally worn up to eight to ten hours. Contacts with high Oxygen permeability are proposed for longer wearing period. You should never sleep with contact lenses to prevent from risk of corneal infections.
2. High water content and high Oxygen permeability are featured in different contact lens brands. Is high water content meant for high Oxygen permeability? Hydrogel and silicone hydrogel are two main types of material used to make contact lenses. The hydrogel allows higher water content but wearers’ eyes tend to feel dry when using for long hours. The silicone hydrogel permits higher Oxygen transmissibility to increase comfort of wearing contacts for a long period of time.
3. Why should users follow the wearing period labeled on package of their contacts? Users should follow the instruction in that contacts with different life span are usually made of different materials.
It is important to change contact lenses regularly according to the instructions because of longer wearing time with higher chance of ocular surface inflammation or infection.
4. Why is Oxygen transmissibility important for contact wearers? Contact lens reduces the quantity of tears getting on the cornea which receives the nourishment from tears. Contact lens wear can starve the cornea of oxygen and thus Oxygen transmissibility is one of factors to consider when choosing contact lenses.
5. What is your advice for the first-time contact lens wearers? Contact lens users should examine their visual acuity, intraocular pressure and refractive power before their first time of wearing contact lenses. Also, a contact lens wearer should follow the use instruction and regularly receive eye examination.
6. How to choose the proper contact lenses from a myriad of options? Contact lenses should be prescribed by ophthalmologists or optometrists where operate businesses in clinics, hospitals and medical instrument stores. Users should choose products with regulation number issued by authorities such the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
7. Most users purchase their contact lenses based on their existing lens power. What is your advice? An annual or half-year appointment for eye examination is proposed to adjust your contact lenses based on the latest vision, refractive power and ocular surface status. Moreover, high myopia defined as refractive power over minus five diopters is at a higher risk of developing ocular complications such as glaucoma, cataract, retinal detachment and age-related macular degeneration. Regular fundus examination is also needed.
8. Are contact lenses a good choice for you teen? You should have your kids for eye evaluation before subscribing the proper contact lens. Also, the wearing hours should be limited within eight hours per day.
9. Why does cornea rupture occur on contact lens wearers? When oxygen is shortage to cornea or wearing contact lenses in an inappropriate way, cornea erosion or infection could happen and even result in corneal neovascularization. As a result, enough oxygen transmissibility should be secured when wearing contact lenses.
10. Why is it inappropriate to wear contact lenses when taking a dip in a hot spring? The bacteria in a hot spring can lead to eye infection. The high myopic patients can wear daily contact lens but need to replace with a new pair of ones after dipping hot spring.
11. After correcting myopia with leaser surgery, could I sometimes wear color contact lenses? A11: Because the surgery changes the curve of cornea, and some patients can have side-effect of dry eyes. The patients without dry eyes can wear color contact lens for limited hours but may not have the same comfort with those without surgery.
12. Can I buy eye drops from OTCs when feeling uncomfortable with contact lenses? Patients can ease discomfort for moments by applying eye drops from OCTs. However, if the situation continues after 1-2 days, patients need directly to eye professionals for further examination and treatment.
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Last Updated: January 16, 2025
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BenQ Materials ("BenQ Materials," "we" or "our") uses cookies on our websites to create the most effective website possible for you. This Cookie Policy explains what cookies are, how we use them on our websites, what benefits they bring, as well as your right to control their use. This Policy forms part of the BenQ Materials Privacy Policy
Page updated: December 2020
Cookies are small pieces of data that are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website or application.
You can change your BenQ Materials cookie settings at any time. And you can find out how to stop your browser tracking your info here.
These cookies are set by the website you're visiting. And only that website can read them.
These cookies are set by someone other than the owner of the website you're visiting. Some BenQ Materials web pages may also contain content from other sites like YouTube or Flickr, which may set their own cookies. Also, if you share a link to a BenQ Materials page, the service you share it on (for example, Facebook) may set a cookie on your browser. We have no control over third-party cookies - you can turn them off, but not through us.
These cookies only last as long as your online session, and disappear from your computer or device when you close your browser (like Internet Explorer or Safari).
These cookies stay on your computer or device after your browser has been closed and last for a time specified in the cookie. We use persistent cookies when we need to know who you are for more than one browsing session. For example, we use them to remember your preferences for the next time you visit.
Some sites use things like web beacons, clear GIFs, page tags and web bugs to understand how people are using them and to target advertising to them. They usually take the form of a small, transparent image that is embedded in a web page or email. They work with cookies and capture data like your IP address, when you viewed the page or email, what device you were using and where you were. You can find out how to avoid them here.
Read on to find out more about the different kinds of cookie we use. If you like you can turn BenQ Materials cookies on or off here.
These cookies let you use all the different parts of the website. Without them, services that you've asked for can't be provided.
List of strictly necessary cookies
Functional cookies
These help us personalise BenQ Materials website to you by remembering your preferences and settings.
List of functional cookies
Performance cookies
These help us understand how people are using BenQ Materials online, so we can make it better. And they let us try out different ideas. We sometimes get other companies to analyse how people are using BenQ Materials online. These companies might set their own performance cookies.
List of performance cookies
If third-party cookies are disabled on your browser, some features on the BenQ Materials website may not work quite as you'd expect.
This is because, your BenQ Materials session relies on cookies to provide personalisation.
If your browser is blocking third-party cookies, some of these features can't work properly so you may experience problems.
We're working on a way of solving this problem. In the meantime, if you've chosen to block third-party cookies on your browser and want to avoid problems, be sure to set exceptions for BenQ Materials website.
This won't affect your privacy settings on other websites and services you use.
Our advertising is delivered to you through us or our authorised advertising partners.
These cookies help us to monitor the effectiveness of the ads. We or our authorised partners may also use cookies that they have set on your device when you were browsing other websites. They do this so that they know you have seen a particular advert or to match you with their database.
This helps them to do things like cap how many adverts you see across the internet and, if you have taken part in market research, the research company may record that you have seen a particular advert.
A cookie is a small text file that can be stored on and accessed from your device when you visit our websites. This allows us to store or retrieve information about you, your preferences or your device and to ensure the website performs as you expect it to. We may also use web beacons or similar technologies on our websites to enable us to know whether you came to our websites from an online advertisement displayed on a third-party website, measure the success of email marketing campaigns, and improve our website performance.
Please be aware that if you choose not to receive our cookies, we cannot guarantee that your experience will be as fulfilling as it would otherwise be.
We may update this Policy from time to time. If we make significant changes we will revise this Policy to reflect such changes. We encourage you to periodically review this Policy to be informed of the most updated version.
Page updated: December 2020
Some essential features on BenQ Materials sites just won't work without cookies. And having other cookies switched off can seriously affect the way you'll be able to enjoy our services.
Please check your cookie settings below and turn on any cookies you're happy with."Strictly necessary" cookies can't be turned off. But Functional and Performance cookies can be turned on or off below. You can learn more about cookies and what they do on our other pages.
If you've chosen to block third-party cookies on your browser, your cookie preferences won't carry over from BenQ Materials.com to BenQ Materials.xx and vice versa. Please make sure to set your cookie preferences in both places.
These cookies are essential so that you can move around the website and use its features. Without these cookies services you have asked for cannot be provided.
These cookies allow the website to remember choices you make to give you better functionality and personal features.
hese cookies help to improve the performance of BenQ Materials. If you want to opt-out of advertising cookies, you have to turn-off performance cookies.
Page updated: December 2020
You can change your browser's settings so it'll tell you when cookies get sent to it. Or it can refuse cookies altogether. Check the Help section in your browser for more info.
You can change your BenQ Materials cookie settings here.
And there's more info about cookies in general here.
Some internet browsers have a DNT setting. This sends a signal to websites asking them not to track your browsing.
This doesn't work with BenQ Materials websites at the moment. But you can always change your BenQ Materials cookie settings here.
You can normally render them ineffective by switching off cookies in your browser. There are also browser add-ons and extensions that specifically block web beacons.
To avoid web beacons in emails, you can turn off images in your email service. Check your email's Help section to find out how.
if you have any other questions about our Cookie Policy, please contact us.
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